Design your unique journey from an exciting list of adventure and cultural immersion activities


Diseñamos esta experiencia única para viajeros que quieran experimentar la auténtica cultura y tradiciones andinas, explorando las sagradas ruinas incas con impresionantes vistas del Valle Sagrado y la ciudad de Machupicchu.

Participación en ceremonias e iniciaciones. Ofrendas a la Madre Tierra, Grandes Iniciaciones, Munay-ki o Ayni despacho, Hatun Karpay, Nusta Karpay) liderados por el maestro Q´ero y su esposa rodeados de poderosos Apus (espíritus de la montaña).


Duration : 14 DAY/13NIGHTS
Difficulty : MEDIUM


In the morning we fly to Cusco. the capital of the Incan Empire located high in the Andes Mountains. Your Peruvian guide will meet you at the airport to take you in a private bus to the hotel. You will have plenty of time to settle into your comfortable rooms, drink coca leaf tea, enjoy a healthy lunch and unpack. Our welcome and orientation will follow. This will be a slow and relaxing day giving us time to acclimate to the high altitude and adjust to our Andean Mountain surroundings. Breakfast and lunch are included.  We spend the night in Cusco.


This morning we visit Tambomachay,Pucapucara, then we will  walk down to the “templo de la Luna”. an Inca ceremonial site dedicated to the worship of moon goddess “Quilla. Next we will visit Qenko, one of the finest examples of a rock artfully carved.We finish the morning tour at Sacsayhuaman (The Royal House of the Sun).

In the afternoon ater lunch we will visit Qoricancha (the Temple of the Sun), and the cathedral. Breakfast and lunch are included.  We spend the night in Cusco





Today we’ll go to Killarumiyok (The Moon Stone) to participate in an MUNAY- KI or AYNI Despacho. MUNAY-KI, are rites of initiation to become a person of power, vision and wisdom. DESPACHO, is an offering to honor Pachamama (mother earth) or to the Apus (mountains) composed of natural items such as carnation flowers, coca leaves, candies, figurines, etc. KARPAY, is the transmission of energy seeds into the body. Breakfast and lunch are included. We spend the night in Cusco.



Today we start by taking you to the train station to board the train that will take us to Km 104 on the Cusco – Machu Picchu railroad (starting point of the hike).  The first stop on the hike is the Chachabamba Archaeological Complex, located very close to the trail control point.  Then we embark upon an 8 km (5 miles) ascending trail, which after 4 hours takes us to the impressive archaeological complex of Winaywayna. We eat a box lunch here.

We then continue to climb to Intipunku. This will take an hour of hiking along a trail of flat stones on the edges of cliffs in highland jungle.  From this fabulous spot, we may gaze at the sacred citadel of Machupicchu.  From Intipunku we descend to Machu Picchu and then by bus to Aguas Calientes where you will check into your hotel.  Dinner will be at a great local restaurant. Breakfast and Box lunch are included. We spend the night in Aguas Calientes.

  • Meals: Breakfast/Box Lunch /Dinner
  • Maximum altitude: 2,745m /9,005 ft.
  • Minimum Altitude: 2,040 m /6,691 ft.
  • Distance to walk: 13 km /8 miles
  • Approximate walking time: 5-6 hours
  • Level of Difficulty: moderate


It is an early start to Machupicchu to see the sunrise over this magnificent ancient city!  We take the first bus up to Machupicchu and have a fully guided tour around 2 hours long.  After the tour you have plenty of free-time to explore the citadel on your own and maybe even climb Huaynapicchu or Inca Bridge.  Afterwards, you can come back down to the town on a bus for lunch.  Your extra time in the citadel is dependent on your return train time.  In the afternoon we take the train back to Ollantaytambo where our driver will be waiting to transfer you back to your hotel in Cusco.  Breakfast and lunch are included. We spend the night in Cusco.


The Q´eros ethnic group of only approximately 600 people has been largely hidden in the Andes for the past 500 years with little contact with the Peruvian government and the Catholic Church. This allowed them to maintain their ancient spiritual knowledge as it originates directly from the Incas. Mining companies are currently threatening the habitat and cultural heritage of the Q’eros.

Today early in the morning we travel southeast from Cusco, to see the most important Natural God of the Vilcanota Mountains: Ausangate Mountain (just under 21,000 ft.). We first arrive to Ocongate town, and then we continue to the trail head Chuachua. Here we’ll meet the rest of our trek team and pack the horses. After walking some hours observing children shepherding herds of llama and alpacas,   we’ll arrive at the Hatun Qeros nation (9,500 ft.). Here you’ll be introduced to the inhabitants of Qeros. Afterwards you can wander off and explore at your own pace seeing the real Andean life of this unexplored community. There we will set up our campsite. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are included. We spend the night in tents.


Today we hike 2 hours to a powerful mountain where we will participate in another Despacho ceremony and HATUN KARPAY. Transmition led by the Qero master and his wife surrounded by powerful Apus (mountain spirits). Afterwards we will hike back 1.5 hours to the Hatun Qero village where we will participate in a local Q´ero dinner and sleep in a tent to the sound of absolute silence. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are included. We spend the night in tents.


In the morning we start trekking to the Cocha Moqo village. We will observe the women weave Andean clothes by hand using the traditional technique inherited from Incas.  We’ll have lunch and take our private transportation back to Cusco. Breakfast and lunch are included. We spend the night in Cusco.

DAY 9 : CUSCO - RAQCHI (free half day in cusco)

After breakfast enjoy a free half day in Cusco. In the afternoon we travel south of Cusco to Raqchi, an Archeological Site built in the 15th century and considered one of the most audacious Inca constructions. Here we’ll visit the astonishing “Wiracocha Temple.” Breakfast, lunch dinner are included. We spend the night in Raqchi.


Here we participate in our last Despacho ceremony, the Ñusta Karpay, Quechua words meaning “Seven Initiations of the Priestess.”  These beautiful and authentic initiations integrate the sacred energies, infusing us with vital living feminine energy and supporting the power of creation bringing balance and harmony in the world.

From Raqchi we travel to the Circuit of South along the Sacred Valley to visit the Archeological Site of Sillustani (elev. 3,900 m/12,795 ft.) Sillustani stands on Lake Umayo (Enchanted Lake). We will see the ancient Chullpas or “Funerary Towers.” This cemetery not only contrasts the world of the living with the world of the dead, but also embraces the spiritual aspect of facing the sun and the lake. Breakfast and lunch are included. We spend the night in Puno


This morning we’ll visit Chucuito, one of the oldest towns in the region. Here, you will visit the exciting ancient Temple of Fertility. This is a small temple with dozens of meter-high stone penises planted in the earth. The temple continues to work its magic as the local women still sneak into the temple at night, with coca leaves and chicha, to perform a ceremony designed to help them to become pregnant. After we’ll visit the Doorway of Aramu Muru.  This is a pre‐Incan rock structure considered an interdimensional gateway to the spirit world. Breakfast and lunch are included. We spend the night in Puno.



We travel via motorboat to the Uros Island.  This is a man-made floating island made from the “totora” reeds.  The island is the home of the Uros tribe, a pre-Inca civilization.  Here we commune with the locals and learn more about their way of living.  Colorful textiles and other goods will be offered to purchase.  Next we go to Amantani Island located at 12,500ft above sea level to visit the pre-Incan Temple of Pachatata. We spend the night in Amantani with a local family.  Breakfast, lunch and dinner are included.


Today we return to the City of Puno after breakfast.  Puno is located at the edge of Lake Titicaca.  This is an important agricultural and livestock region of Peru specializing especially in  South American camelids (llamas and alpacas) which graze on its immense plateaus and plains.  Puno has been named the Folklore Capital of Peru from its wealth of artistic and cultural expressions, particularly dance. In Puno you’ve a relaxed day to explore.  Breakfast is included. We spend the night in Puno. 


After breakfast we travel to Juliaca in Puno city, where we take our 1.5 hour flight to Lima. Breakfast is included


Request a personalized quote from our experienced advisors.

Request a personalized quote from our experienced advisors.

Servicios incluidos:

  • Todas las transferencias
  • Billetes de avión nacionales
  • Tarifas de entrada a todos los sitios visitados.
  • Guía de habla inglesa y española. Todas nuestras guías son guías turísticas con licencia oficial y capacitados en primeros auxilios.
  • Todas las excursiones guiadas descritas en el itinerario.
  • Maestro Qero y su esposa para todas las ceremonias.
  • Alojamiento en ocupación doble con baño privado en la categoría de hotel seleccionado.
  • Todas las comidas especificadas. Opción vegetariana disponible sin carga adicional.
  • Reunión informativa previa al trekking por el Camino Inca Corto
  • Billetes de tren de ida y vuelta en InkaRail/Expedition Train
  • 3x Boletos de Bus desde/hacia Machupicchu
  • Permisos de ingreso al Camino Inca y Machupicchu
  • 1 noche de alojamiento en familia en la isla de Amantani.
  • Botiquín de primeros auxilios que incluye tanque de oxígeno de emergencia para todos los recorridos.
  • Transporte en barco privado a motor.
  • Chef experto y ayudante de cocina.
  • Todas las comidas durante el trekking (Cocina peruana estilo buffet). También atendemos a vegetarianos y personas con diversos requisitos dietéticos.
  • Agua hervida para llenar tus botellas cada mañana.
  • 7 kg de equipaje personal permitido para llevar en los caballos: ropa extra, saco de dormir (solo necesitas llevar una pequeña mochila con todo lo que necesitarás durante el día).
  • Bolsas de lona personales para guardar su equipaje adicional para colocar en el caballo.
  • Amplias carpas / Colchón inflable Thermarest y almohada
  • Tienda de baño con sanitarios portátiles
  • Caballos para transportar el equipo del grupo (comida, carpas, mesas, etc.)
  • Caballo de emergencia en caso de necesitarlo
  • Botella de oxígeno de emergencia y botiquín de primeros auxilios.

Servicios no incluidos:

  • Vuelos internacionales
  • Impuestos aeroportuarios
  • Saco de dormir (se puede alquilar con nosotros)
  • Bastones de senderismo (se pueden alquilar con nosotros)
  • Subir al Monte Huaynapicchu o al Monte Machupicchu – $25 pagaderos por adelantado por el permiso
  • Comidas distintas a las especificadas en el itinerario.
  • Propuestas para su personal
  • Seguro de viaje (muy recomendable)
  • Gastos extras originados en cambios de itinerario u otros por causas de fuerza mayor u otras circunstancias ajenas al control de Peru Wind Travels

Alquileres opcionales

  • Bastones de senderismo: 15,00 USD (par)
  • Bolsa de dormir – US$20,00



  • Ropa: Pantalones largos, pantalones convertibles o shorts, camisetas o camisas de manga larga y corta, medias de algodón. Ropa abrigada para zonas de altura (Cusco, Qeros, Puno), especialmente para la noche, incluyendo chompas/polares y casaca.
  • Ropa de lluvia o poncho (puedes comprar uno básico en Cusco), especialmente si visitas en los meses de noviembre a abril.
  • Calzado cómodo, recomendamos botas de trekking.
  • Cámara, películas
  • Sombrero o gorra para protegerte del sol, frío y lluvia.
  • Bloqueador solar (factor alto)
  • Gafas de sol
  • Repelente de insectos: se recomienda un mínimo de 20 % de DEET; no se ha informado de riesgo de malaria.
  • Artículos de tocador y medicamentos personales
  • Pasaporte original y fotocopias del pasaporte.

Terms & Conditions

Payment / Deposit

Dear travelers,
Thank you so much for sharing your adventure with PERU WIND TRAVELS!

To reserve any of our services, the customer must submit his or her personal information and a deposit. The following personal information is required:

  • Full name (as appears on passport)
  • Date of Birth
  • Nationality
  • Gender
  • Passport number
  • A picture of the passport photo page. A camera phone picture or similar is acceptable.


In order to guarantee the reservation of every part of your trip, we require a 50% deposit per person in advance. This payment is non-refundable.


* Payments through PayPal are subject to a 5% surcharge.


    Name:  TANIA

    Paternal name:  BACA

    Maternal name:  HILARES

    ID or DNI:  41147283

    Address:  Calle Bayoneta 743

    Cellphone number:  +51 929917857

    Office of Western Union to be picked:   Maruri Street 310

*Fees are variable


*If you would like more information about the wire transfer option, please email us at:


The balance payment shall be paid in Cusco during the pre-travel briefing in your hotel or hostel. (You will confirm the time with your travel advisor.) That means the staff of PERU WIND TRAVELS will visit you to give you the tickets and important information for your tour.

We accept cash and PayPal for final payments.

  • A client may not depart for the tour until payment in full is received, either in cash or by PayPal.
  • Cash payments are due the day before travel departure and can be paid at the pre-travel briefing. We accept US dollars or Peruvian soles for cash payments. We do not accept any other types of currency.
  • PayPal payments are due one week before travel departure.
  • There is a 5% fee on balance-due payments using PayPal.
  • Our PayPal email is:
  • All banking fees will be covered by the client.


Modifications in the booking

Any modification to the original booking must be confirmed by written email. Any cost or charges incurred or perceived by our suppliers as a consequence of the modification will be charged to the traveler.  We will try to meet all reasonable requests, and make all modifications possible, but they cannot be guaranteed

The substitution of a passenger

If some member of the group cannot travel it is possible to transfer the booking to another person if written notification is given at least 30 days in advance before the departure. NOTE: Bookings for the Inca Trail Programs are non-refundable and non-transferable.


Cancellations by the customer must be through written notification to PERU WIND TRAVELS. The expenses for cancelling are applied as follows.

Starting the day we receive the written notification…

  • 29 to 22 days before arrival: 60% loss of the whole price of the trip.
  • 21 to 9 days before arrival: 80% loss of the whole price of the trip.
  • 8 to 0 days before arrival: 100% loss of the whole price of the trip.

Besides the charges that are shown, airline companies and hotels may impose 100% expenses for cancellations.

Cancellations and changes made by Peru Wind Travels

If we made a change or cancellation to our programs our passengers will be informed at the moment of the booking. If a necessary change is made after the booking, we will inform our passengers as soon as reasonably possible. Peru Wind Travels has the right to increase the cost of the tour.

PERU WIND TRAVELS is not responsible for circumstances outside of our control that could affect a trip. Circumstances such as, but not limited to: disturbances, civil conflicts, labor strikes, natural or provoked disasters, fires, or adverse weather conditions. Any charges due to cancellations or changes in flights or hotel dates because of these types of circumstances are not our responsibility.

Passports, visas and vaccinations

It is the responsibility of the individual traveler to secure the adequate documentation before booking a tour with us. The customer must be in possession of a valid passport with at least six months of validity after the entrance date and have all the required visas for the whole trip. Any information or advice given by Peru Wind Travels about visas, vaccinations, weather, clothes, luggage, special equipment, etc., is given in good faith, not authoritatively. The agency will not be held responsible for any of this type of advice.

Expectations, children, guests who are a risk

It is expected that all participants in the tours operated by PERU WIND TRAVELS obey the laws and rules of the visited countries.

It is expected that all passengers ensure that they are physically capable of enduring the rigors of the high-altitude trek/tour they have chosen before making the booking. It is advised that anyone over the age of 60 obtain their physician’s authorization to participate in such a trek/tour.

Children (ages 3-17) are welcome on our trips as long as they are accompanied by their parents or legal guardian.  Older adolescents (15-17) are permitted to be accompanied by a responsible adult who is not a parent or guardian (i.e. teacher)   

PERU WIND TRAVELS reserves the right to deny the booking of any guest deemed to be a risk to the security, comfort, health, and well-being of others on our tours (including our personnel).  If a guest becomes a risk before or after the tour has begun, we reserve the right to exclude the guest from any or all parts of the tour. 

Disease or discapacity

Any person who suffers from a disease or incapacity or is in treatment for any physical or medical condition must declare the true nature of this condition at the moment of booking and make the necessary arrangements for treatments and/or medicine during the trip.  Failure to disclose such information at booking will result in exclusion from the tour and loss of all fees for the trip.


We recommend getting travel medical insurance.  We do not offer or include an accident insurance policy for trips. However, in case of sickness, accident, or medical emergency we will contact a physician to provide immediate medical assistance or hospitalization if necessary. In the case of a necessary emergency evacuation, all costs are assumed by the traveler.


If a traveler has a complaint about any of the arrangements for the trip the guest must go to a guide or representative of PERU WIND TRAVELS right away so that we may try to correct the situation. We can only solve the problems if we are aware of the problems. If the complaint is not made immediately it may affect the traveler’s right to claim reimbursement. If the problem finds no solution, a written complaint must be presented to our agency no more than 14 days after the last day of the trip.


PERU WIND TRAVELS holds the right to modify in any way the arrangements of the touring programs when necessary or when in the best interests of the travelers. We hold the right to deny or allow any person to participate in our trips. PERU WIND TRAVELS is not responsible for injuries, diseases, bodily harm, loss of personal belongings, additional expenses, accidental delays, or other irregularities that can be caused by intentional acts, intentional omission, or negligence by part of the enterprises or persons that offer or participate in the transportation, housing or other services related with the journey. We are not responsible for natural disasters or acts of nature.